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5 Express Vinyasa
5 x 30 minute vinyasa classes.
Get your yoga fix in 30 minutes. Stay for 15 minute guided meditation if you can.
Fridays 8am, 30 mins.
Valid for 6 months
10 Express Vinyasa
10 x 30 minute vinyasa classes.
Get your yoga fix in 30 minutes. Stay for 15 minute guided meditation if you can.
Fridays 8am, 30 mins.
Valid for 6 months
5 Flow to Restore
5 x 90 minute vinyasa + restorative classes. Shift energy in a vinyasa flow so you can melt into restorative yoga.
Fridays 10.30am, 90 mins.
Valid for 6 months
10 Flow to Restore
10 x 90 minute vinyasa restorative hybrid classes.
Shift energy in a vinyasa flow so you can melt into restorative yoga.
Fridays 10.30am, 90 mins.
Valid for 6 months
5 Float Away
5 x 2.5 hours mini-retreats.
Find freeeeeedom in vinyasa flow, restorative yoga, self massage + meditation.
Fridays 1pm, 2.5 hours.
Valid for 6 months
10 Float Away
10 x 2.5 hours mini-retreats.
Find freeeeeedom in vinyasa flow, restorative yoga, self massage + meditation.
Fridays 1pm, 2.5 hours.
Valid for 6 months
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6 Menoposse Yoga
6 x 60 minute class course plus optional 30 min weekly guest speaker. Each week, we explore yoga techniques that may alleviate a specific symptom theme.
Wednesdays, 9.15am or 10.45am, 1 hour.
Valid for 6 months
5 Menoposse Restorative Yoga
5 x 90-min restorative classes.
Calm your nervous system with restorative yoga focused on relieving perimenopause and post menopause symptoms.
Wednesdays 1pm, 90 mins.
Valid for 6 months
10 Menoposse Restorative Yoga
10 x 90-min restorative classes.
Calm your nervous system with restorative yoga focused on relieving perimenopause and post menopause symptoms.
Wednesdays 1pm, 90 mins.
Valid for 6 months
Save on Menoposse Class Packs
4 Recharge + Reboot
4 x Recharge + Reboot Mini Yoga Retreats. Gentle vinyasa, self-massage, restorative yoga, light snacks and meditation. You can treat yourself each season.
Monthly on Sundays, 3 hours.
Valid for 12 months
6 Recharge + Reboot
6 x Recharge + Reboot Mini Yoga Retreats. Gentle vinyasa, self-massage, restorative yoga, light snacks and meditation. You can treat yourself each season.
Monthly on Sundays, 3 hours.
Valid for 12 months
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Menposse classes and retreats are at North Fremantle Community Hall, 2 Thompson Rd, North Fremantle.