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Expansive classes

Find freeeeeeeeeedom on Fridays!
Fridays at Little Glimmer are about finding a window to pause, check in with yourself, energise, and restore. Choose from three new class styles, ranging from 30 minutes to 2.5 hours. Expect fun, freedom, nurturing, and some yogi pondering. Class styles include vinyasa, restorative, and meditation. Extended classes combine all three. Think of them as wedges in your week, just for you. Regain your humanness regularly!  

Plus, join the FREE Run, Flow Dip Club on Thursdays at Leighton Beach.

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Take yourself on a little retreat date

Most of us probably don't have the time and budget to get away on yoga retreats every few months. The idea of these mini-retreats is to fill your cup seasonally or bi-monthly so you can rejuvenate regularly!

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Class & Retreat Schedule

Join the Menoposse! Learn Menopause Yoga Techniques

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Hi, I'm Em 

I’m not a perfect teacher (no arm balances or headstands here). I’m playful, philosophical and nurturing.

I love how yoga teachers can mention one little story or a slice of yogi philosophy that reaches you at just the right time. I hope to bring this to you one day. 


Menposse classes and retreats are at North Fremantle Community Hall, 2 Thompson Rd, North Fremantle.


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